Thursday, December 27, 2007

When radioactive pollution is realized as vital?

Nuclear pollution was realized by human kind as holastic threat when First World War at first and second Atom Bombs. After the bombing the effects were going on and millions of Japan people had suffered from mutasion. Many baybies borned with biological faults and many people has suffered from cancer illnesses.

In our contry, Turkey, firstly people faced to Nuclear Pollution by Chernobyl Accident. This accident effected the Black Sea region of Turkey, and cause many ecological decomposition. Even today many scientists say about the Chernobyl Accident is responsible to Cancer ratios at Black Sea region of Turkey.

General Information about Nuclear Pollution

Nuclear pollution is caused by radioactive elements like polonium, radon and radium or radioactive lights may cause nuclear pollution. In fact the main energy source of Sun is the biggest radioactive ray source, that's mean there is radioctivity is all around the world. The main issue is how it can be harmfull for living organisims.

However this natural radioactivity is far away to Earth and filtered by athmosphere until it is not give harm to people.

But the Atom Bomb which was thrown by USA to Japan caused millions of people's dies. Because during this event, after explosion there was no filter like athmosphere and it was conducted in the Earth surface.

Contrary to former opinions, nuclear pollution not only effect the targeted area but also it gives deterious effects world-wide. The radioactivity can be carried one continent to another by winds and others.

What is Nuclear Pollution?

Nuclear Pollution is the most dangerous kind of environmental pollution which result from nuclear wastes, nuclear processes and nuclear weapons. Due to it's harms which gives irriversible damages to DNA of living organisims and it's very long half-life, makes it a vital trouble for human kind.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Importance of Nuclear Pollution

We, people first was introduced by nuclear pollution in Japan with first Atom Bomb which was throwen by American Army during 2. World War.

Then in Turkey and East Europe remembered it dratically by the cause of Çernobil Explosion. Thousands of people died at the moment, the maybe millions of people was affected by the Pollution of this Nuclear Power Plant.

Out of this bad effects of this events, Nuclear Pollution pollutes not only one area which was conducted, it gives harm all of the earth ecology and athmosphere.

Term Paper Format

Format to be followed

Outline (or table of content, list of tables and figures)
Main Body text

In introduction, first introduce the subject in general emphasizing its importance and then provide aim and scope on your own words!

Follow a logical order while writing the main body. Make sure that it is easy to follow, as clear and informative as possible.

Be confined to about 5000 words, excluding figures and tables. Try to flourish your text with figures and tables that would make your text easier to follow and to understand by the readers.

Use sources that can be addressed scientifically. Refer to the scientific articles for the way the references are addressed in the reference list and cited within the text.

Cite each reference used within the text. Put in quotation marks text that has been copied word-for-word from any source and provide a citation. Direct copying from any source without citing its reference is plagiarism and strictly forbidden. Provide a source to tables, figures etc.

Provide conclusion on your own words.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Nuclear (Radiation) Pollution Term Work


It's Yusuf Ziya Aydın, an Environmental Engineering student at Middle East Technical University, Turkey.

This term I will study on Nuclear Pollution for my lesson Environmental Pollution and Ecology.

I will be share my sources and gainings by the help of this blog.